
Produits à base de cannabis

Préparation des échantillons pour le contrôle qualité et le broyage avant l'extraction des huiles de CBD

Contrôle de qualité à l'échelle du laboratoire : Terpènes, test de puissance, métaux lourds, moisissures, bactéries, cannabinoïdes, pesticides

Alors que l'industrie du cannabis continue de se développer, les lois et les réglementations évoluent également pour s'assurer que la qualité du produit est conforme aux normes de sécurité et d'étiquetage. Pour obtenir des résultats fiables et précis, il est essentiel de préparer correctement l'échantillon. En tant que leader mondial dans la préparation d'échantillons, Retsch propose des broyeurs de laboratoire pour le broyage et l'homogénéisation des échantillons afin de garantir des résultats d'analyse fiables

Les laboratoires d'essais et les fabricants continueront à maintenir leurs exigences en matière d'essais et devront signaler la conformité, quelle que soit la matrice du produit, car les essais de produits de cannabis comprennent à la fois les fleurs et les aliments. En raison de la complexité des différentes matrices, il y a de nombreux défis à relever pour préparer les échantillons de manière adéquate pour l'analyse.

Compte tenu de cette exigence, RETSCH utilise toute sa gamme de produits pour aider au traitement et à la préparation des échantillons. Que les échantillons soient des oursons en gomme, des brownies, des bonbons ou des fleurs de cannabis, RETSCH vous aide à choisir l'appareil idéal pour répondre aux besoins exigeants de votre application.

RETSCH is a member of the research network Cannabis-Net

Production à petite échelle - Extraction de l'huile de CBD

L'extraction de l'huile de CBD à partir des fleurs de cannabis prend de plus en plus d'importance dans le monde entier pour répondre aux exigences médicales. Les méthodes d'extraction typiques sont l'éthanol ou le CO2 supercritique. Dans les deux cas, l'échantillon doit être broyé afin d'augmenter la densité de l'échantillon dans l'unité d'extraction. En règle générale, les tailles d'échantillons autour de 2-5 mm ou 1-2 mm sont les plus appropriées.

Le broyeur à couteaux SM 300 316L de Retsch répond aux exigences de préparation des échantillons avant le processus d'extraction, sans effets de chauffage, donc sans perte de substances volatiles et sans effets de collage. Un débit d'échantillons de plus de 40 kg/h est possible, et le choix de la taille des mailles des tamis de fond permet d'adapter la finesse finale aux exigences de l'utilisateur.
Grâce à sa construction bien pensée, le SM 300 316L se démonte en quelques secondes et se nettoie très facilement.

La vidéo de droite montre à quel point il est facile de broyer des fleurs de cannabis séchées avec le SM 300 lors de la préparation d'échantillons pour l'extraction d'huile de CBD. Le broyeur y parvient avec un débit de plus de 40 kg/h et une finesse de 1-2 mm (d'autres finesses sont également possibles en choisissant le tamis de fond) et sans chauffage à 700 tr/min. Toutes les pièces en contact avec le produit sont fabriquées en acier inoxydable 316L et peuvent être nettoyées rapidement et facilement en raison de leurs surfaces particulièrement lisses.

Cliquez pour voir la vidéo

Broyer les fleurs de cannabis séchées avec le SM 300 316L Stainless Steel />

Vidéos d'application pour le contrôle qualité et la production en petite série

Broyer des fleurs de cannabis entières avec le broyeur ultra-centrifuge ZM 200.

Broyage de différents échantillons avec le broyeur à couteaux GM 200.

Homogénéisation du cannabis en quelques secondes avec le broyeur à couteaux GM 200.

Homogénéisation de 8 échantillons de cannabis en une seule étape avec le broyeur à billes MM400.

Broyage cryogénique de fleurs de cannabis séchées avec le broyeur ultracentrifuge ZM 300.

Broyage cryogénique de petites quantités de cannabis avec le Cryomill.

Broyage cryogénique du cannabis avec le broyeur à billes MM 500 Control.

Vous trouverez de plus amples informations sur l'utilisation des broyeurs, les résultats d'analyse ainsi que des conseils et astuces dans notre enregistrement de séminaire en ligne "Le cannabis en bref - De la matière première au produit fini, du contrôle de la qualité à la production en petite série" ; que vous pouvez télécharger après un enregistrement rapide.

Procédé d'extraction THC / cannabinoïdes Méthode améliorée, dérivée du protocole Shimadzu

Solution for Potency Testing

For potency testing, the Mixer Mill MM 400 with the falcon tube adapter can be used to simultaneously homogenize up to 8 samples. For this purpose, the dried flowers are deep-frozen at -20°C and then 4 g are filled in each tube. After adding 2 x 15 mm steel grinding balls, homogenization can take place at 30 Hz for 3 minutes. A grind size of 1-2 mm can be achieved in this way. This method leads to highly reproducible analysis values with minimized sample loss for CBD, CBDA, THC and THCA and also saves time due to high sample throughput, short grinding times and disposable tubes which don’t require cleaning. After grinding, a portion of 500 mg can be used for the subsequent steps like extartion. This method is also suitable for homogenizing samples for pesticide analysis.

Terpene Analysis: Volatile components!

A very important consideration when homogenizing samples for terpene analysis is to avoid heat as this could lead to the volatile terpenes’ loss, which would falsify the results of all subsequent analyses. Closed grinding systems such as ball mills are particularly suitable for the analysis of terpenes. In addition, they can also be used cryogenically, which prevents the loss of volatile components and at the same time improves the breaking properties of oily samples so that thorough homogenization is possible. In the CryoMill or in the MM 500 control, a maximum of 1 x 20 ml sample or 2 x 40 ml samples can first be embrittled with liquid nitrogen within a few minutes and then pulverized. Both systems are particularly safe and convenient. The cooling is automated, and there are no freely accessible liquid nitrogen baths the user could come into contact with. Programmable cooling breaks should be long enough to really prevent heat generation.

Cannabis flowers before and after cryogenic grinding in a ball mill (a total of 4 min for 20 g sample) or the ZM 300 (10 min for 500 g sample).

In ball mills, samples such as dried cannabis flowers can be ground down to 0.1 mm. Larger sample quantities of up to approx. 4 liters can be homogenized in the Ultra Centrifugal Mill ZM 300. An optional cyclone generates an air flow to cool the sample. To keep heating to a minimum, ring sieves <0.5 mm should not be used. A final fineness of approx. 300 µm is typical and sufficient for good follow-up analysis. The ground samples can be analyzed directly e.g. in gas chromatography systems.

Terpene levels in samples from different grinding procedures. The same pattern is found for all measured terpenes. If the sample gets too warm (as provoked in the ZM 300 with a close-meshed 0.08 mm sieve), the terpenes evaporate. If a sieve with larger apertures is selected and the sample is processed cryogenically, loss of the volatile components can be minimized. The best results are achieved in closed ball mills (CryoMill, MM 500 control) with cryogenic grinding, all substances are preserved. Since 8 balls were used in the 125 ml grinding jar of the MM 500 control instead of one, more heat is generated and thus terpene escapes due to friction effects in the grinding jar. This can be avoided by programming longer intermediate cooling phases.

Heavy Metal Analysis

During their growth, cannabis plants can absorb toxic heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, arsenic and mercury from the soil. If samples are analyzed for heavy metals, the Knife Mill GM 200 is also suitable in addition to ball mills and the ZM 300 rotor mill. It is particularly easy to use and homogenizes samples up to 200 ml in one go. A particle size of <1 mm is sufficient to achieve very good reproducibility. The standard deviation was below 5 % for all analyzed elements. If a shorter grinding time is selected, which results in larger (2 mm) particles, standard deviations of up to 12 % can be expected. Appropriate care in the homogenization process therefore pays off by minimizing such particle size effects.

Grain size effects on the reproducibility of heavy metal analysis in cannabis flowers: After 10 s grinding (interval at 4000 rpm) in the Knife Mill GM 200, fibers remain, the corresponding standard deviations in heavy metal analysis are higher than with samples ground for 20 s with a final fineness < 1 mm (10 s interval, 4000 rpm + 10 s 10000 rpm).

10 s grinding -> 2 mm + fibers

20 s grinding -> < 1 mm particles

In the case of heavy metal analysis, special attention must be paid to choosing the right grinding tools. Since mechanical particle size reduction is always associated with abrasion of the grinding tool, the use of steel tools inevitably leads to a falsification (increase) of the heavy metal values in the sample. This can be avoided by choosing, for example, zirconium oxide tools in the case of ball mills or titanium tools in the case of GM 200 or ZM 300. Steel tools increase the measured concentration of heavy metals and lead to incorrect results.

Effects of the grinding tool material on analysis results. Abrasion from steel tools leads to increased values of heavy metals and thus falsifies the analysis. This falsification can be avoided by using zirconium oxide or titanium tools.

There are different methods for determining trace metals in plant material such as cannabis and hemp or edibles. All require mineral acid digestion to destroy the organic matrix and dissolve trace metals to obtain a liquid sample. For microwave systems, 0.5 g ground sample are sufficient.

Procédé d'extraction THC / cannabinoïdes Méthode améliorée, dérivée du protocole Shimadzu

1: Ajouter 200 mg d'échantillon broyé dans un tube Falcon de 50 ml.

2: Ajouter 2 billes d'acier de 10 mm

3: Secouer pendant 2 minutes à 25 hz

4: Verser 20 ml de méthanol dans le tube

5: Secouer pendant 2 minutes à 25 hz

6: Attendre 15 minutes, puis continuer l'extraction

Temps total : 4 min
Seuls 20 ml de méthanol par échantillon sont nécessaires

MM 400 mélange automatiquement dans des Falcon Tubes à 25 hz

  • Réduit la durée du processus (4 min au lieu de 60 min) et évite les erreurs dues aux différents opérateurs !

Broyeurs appropriés pour le contrôle de la qualité des échantillons de cannabis

Ces résultats sont donnés à titre d'exemple, il est possible d'atteindre d'autres niveaux de finesse.

Témoignages de nos clients

"La SM 300 fournit un résultat de broyage parfait des fleurs de cannabis médicinal et des parties de plantes utilisées pour l'extraction des cannabinoïdes. Particulièrement intéressant : lors du broyage, on obtient un débit d'échantillons élevé avec une taille de particules optimisée. Le broyeur est facile à manipuler et se nettoie rapidement.  ;"

Prof. Dr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger
Université de Hohenheim

"Fonctionnement silencieux, système peu coûteux : le MM 400 est fiable et facile à utiliser."

Ing. Christian Fuczik
Institut d'analyse du chanvre, Vienne

Hemp is a versatile plant material that has gained increasing attention in recent years due to its numerous applications and industrial importance. Hemp is a variety of the cannabis sativa plant species and is known for its high levels of cannabidiol and low levels of tetrahydrocannabinol. Hemp has been used for centuries for a variety of purposes including fiber, food, and medicine. However, in the last three years, there has been a significant development in the use of hemp for industrial purposes such as building materials, biofuels, and textiles.

The RETSCH Cutting Mill SM 300 was used for grinding pre-cut stem parts of the plants down to 1 mm particles without too long fiber parts > 10 mm. The 6-disc rotor and a 0.75 mm bottom sieve were employed, and the mill was operated at 3000 rpm. Depending on the individual sample, a throughput of 1 kg in 5 min was possible, resulting in an average throughput of ~7.5 kg / h. It is strongly recommended to use the cyclone unit to improve the sample discharge from the grinding chamber and prevent clogging of the sieve with fine particles. Glass bottles of various sizes or receptacles of 5 l or 30 l can be attached to the cyclone for sample collection.

Pre-cut stems of hemp plants before (left) and after grinding in the Cutting Mill SM 300 (right)

Cutting Mill SM 300 with cyclone

To obtain finer particles, a two-step grinding process using the Cutting Mill SM 300 for-precutting and the Rotor Beater Mill SR 300 for fine grinding is recommended. While the SM 300 grinds the sample much quicker, the SR 300 produces much finer particles. Therefore, combining the two milling systems greatly improves the process. This is demonstrated in the following with two samples, hemp hurd and hemp fibers.

The hemp hurd sample was slowly poured into the funnel of the mill whereas the hemp fibers were fed as bundles to the machine. Both samples were pre-cut in the SM 300 using the V-rotor and a 1 mm bottom sieve. To facilitate sample discharge, the cyclone was used as described above. The sample was ground in both cases to fibers sized approximately 1-10 mm.

The fine-grinding step was done for both samples in the SR 300 at 10.000 rpm using a 360° ring sieve with aperture size 0.08 mm. Again, the cyclone was employed to improve sample discharge. The hemp hurd was pulverized to 86 % < 100 μm, the hemp fibers to 76 % < 100 μm. The required grinding times for 1 kg of sample are shown in table 1.

Rotor Beater Mill SR 300 with vibratory feeder, 30 l vessel and cyclone
Sample pre-crushing time [min] fine grinding time [min] total process time [min] sample throughput [kg/h]
Hemp hurd 5 15 20 3
Hemp fibres 5 25 30 2

Hemp hurd (above) and hemp fibers (below) after pre-cutting in the SM 300 and subsequent pulverization in the SR 300.

The Retsch Cutting Mill SM 300 and Rotor Beater Mill SR 300 are versatile laboratory-scale mills for grinding hemp and similar materials to a fine powder or flour. Both mills can handle a wide range of fibrous samples and produce consistent particle sizes. While these mills are designed for laboratory-scale applications, they are also suitable for grinding at least 2-3 kg/h in pilot-scale applications. Safe and user-friendly operation and a wide range of accessories of different materials make both mills easy to use in many application fields.

Contactez nous pour un devis gratuit

De nombreux échantillons de cannabis différents ont déjà été traités dans le laboratoire d'application RETSCH, ce qui nous donne une grande expérience et nous permet de faire des recommandations compétentes à nos clients. B11

Nous contacter!

Quality Control of Cannabis: The Analytical Toolbox

All medicinal cannabis sold in Europe must be produced and tested according to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) to be suitable for storage and distribution along with Good Distribution Practices (GDP) certification. Shimadzu’s, CEM’s and RETSCH’s analytical toolbox, covering the full range of instrumental analysis and sample preparation systems, enables cannabis laboratories to work efficiently and in full compliance with international regulations.

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Contamination-free cutting of raw materials for the food and medical industries with the new SM 300 foodGrade

Raw materials for the food or pharma industry often require a size reduction process to minimize the particle size (tea, herbs, spices). The materials can be ready for consumption, like tea, or they are used for a second processing step, like extraction of valuable ingredients. A current example is CBD oil extraction from ground cannabis plants. For both – direct use or process step prior to extraction, the specific requirements of the food and medical industries must be considered when choosing a suitable size reduction tool. Aspects like smooth surfaces, easy cleaning, and available materials like stainless steel 316L to ensure contamination-free processing should be taken into account. Retsch has launched the new Cutting Mill SM 300 foodGrade for this type of applications and small-scale production of herbs and spices.

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Sample Preparation of Cannabis

Grinding up to 32 g cannabis flower buds with minimum sample loss in 2 min: The Mixer Mill MM 400 can be used for a very quick homogenization method for Cannabis samples in disposable tubes. Up to eight samples can be processed at the same time. The sample loss is minimized, and the extraction results show less standard deviation than those of manually ground samples in a classic grinder.

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  • Cannabis - Sample Preparation and Quality Control

    RETSCH is putting to use its full product portfolio of grinders, sieve shakers and sample dividers to help process and prepare cannabis samples. The sample preparation process needs to be adjustable to the considerable complexity of the various matrices.

Hemp - Sustainable raw meterial for an increasing number of industries

Hemp is a versatile plant material that has gained increasing attention in recent years due to its numerous applications and industrial importance. Hemp is a variety of the cannabis sativa plant species and is known for its high levels of cannabidiol and low levels of tetrahydrocannabinol. Hemp has been used for centuries for a variety of purposes including fiber, food, and medicine. However, in the last three years, there has been a significant development in the use of hemp for industrial purposes such as building materials, biofuels, and textiles.

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